Web Development Terminology Explained

Listed below we have web development terminology explaining in-depth to help you know what each of the acronym mean and what they can do for your web development.


Or HyperText Markup Language, HTML is the standard markup language used to create web pages on the internet. HTML is used by 93.5% of all websites! HTML code is used to label content so that a web browser knows where to display content.


Or Cascading Style Sheets is used on the web to style and format colors, fonts, and layouts. CSS may be used in conjunction with HTML or another markup language to style different web page elements.

Front End

Front-End refers to the visual elements on a website, web page, or app that the user interacts with. You may have heard the term Front-End Programmer or Web developer; this means that they mainly or only work on the visual and functional aspects of a Website, sometimes referred to as the “Client-Side.”

Back End

The term Back-End refers to the part of the website that the users don’t see, sometimes referred to as the “Server-Side.” The back end is responsible for storing data. Even though users may not interact directly with the Back-End, they do so via the Front-End. Think about the last time you logged in on social media; your log-in information will be stored in a database in the ‘Back-End” of that website.


Or Application Programming Interface enables interaction between two separate computers or software systems. An API offers an interface where the two systems can connect by creating an environment for the interaction. Developers can then use this API to create tools to connect each program.


Parallax is a scroll effect used on Websites to create a 3D effect when scrolling. The effect slows down the background while the foreground moves at a quicker pace. The effect may be used on different sections or layers of content throughout a web page, creating an optical illusion effect.  This web design technique is used on Websites to create an immersive effect.


Code is what Developers and programmers use to create websites and build software, and there are many different languages to write code in depending on what project you are looking to build. If you want to know what code looks like or which specific languages are being used on any website, you can right-click on a page and select Inspect on Windows or select Inspect Element on Mac there, and you can view the code for the web page.


Sometimes when a developer writes code, there are “Bugs” in the code. A Bug is an error that prevents an app or website from running correctly. The process of Debugging is when a developer finds and corrects the errors or “bugs.”

Git and Github

Git is a version control system that manages code; when a Developers’s code is constantly changing, it is important to back that data up to track changes and versions of a website or app to reverse changes if needed. Meanwhile, Github is a cloud interface website that uses Git. With 28 million users worldwide, it offers Git version control and other useful features for developers.


Or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, the secure version of HTTP, is the protocol of sending data between your browser and a website securely. This means your information, when sent, will be encrypted. This protocol is often used when sensitive information may be sent online, such as online banking and shopping.

If you have any questions as to how use or set up these key development, feel free to contact us!