Social Media Marketing for Black Friday

After a day full of turkey, mash potatoes and gravy, stuffing, and cranberries, Americans and the rest of the world take to their local shopping centers to find the best bargains for all of their holiday shopping needs. Black Friday is one of the biggest days for shopping every year, and that’s why it’s essential to ace your Black Friday social media campaign!

Why Use Social Media For Black Friday?

It’s simple! Black Friday is all about giving the best deals on products that you and your competitor both sell. So what better way to do it than creating a visually appealing and compelling media post that prompts the consumer to click on your website or go to your store.

So How Do You Nail It?

Here are ten simple steps to get this done:

1. Use Hashtags

Tons of people search far and wide for Black Friday deals. On social media, hashtags are one of the best ways to let everyone know about your deals. Your followers will see your posts, and using popular hashtags will let you strut your stuff to an even wider audience. Search for #BlackFriday and see what other hashtags popular retailers are using.

2. Add a Freebie to Qualifying Purchases

Everyone loves free stuff, and the holiday season is the perfect time to give your customers an extra treat with their purchase. Use social media to make it known that you’re giving away free items with Black Friday purchases.

3. Offer Free Shipping

Let’s face it. Almost every online retailer has to compete with Amazon. It’s hard for users to pass on Amazon Prime’s free two-day shipping. You may have some sweet deals rolling out on Black Friday, but you can sweeten them further by offering free shipping. Customers will love that. Just remember to spread the news on social media.

4. Create a Gift Guide

With a handful of holidays happening in December, November is when people start planning their holiday shopping. You can help out consumers by putting together a gift guide. It’s a great way to attract people who need some inspiration to get their loved ones this holiday season. If you publish your gift guide before Black Friday happens, you can inspire your followers with ideas of what to purchase on Black Friday itself.

5. Give Customers a Reason to Come Back

If you have good deals and good social media advertisements, then Black Friday will succeed for your business. But what about after Black Friday? Customer retention is essential too. Whether it’s for Cyber Monday or sometime in mid-December, you can plan and announce more deals to keep customers coming back.

6. Create a Sense of Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency around your Black Friday deals is a great way to drive engagement and purchases. Remind your audience that Black Friday deals are temporary, and they need to act fast while the deal, and supplies, last.

7. Give Back

On holiday all about consumerism, a lot of people will appreciate a good-natured aspect of your sales. Use social media to let the world know that you’ll be donating x amount of your revenue to x charity or nonprofit organization. Giving Tuesday is the Tuesday following Black Friday, and, as the name suggests, it’s all about giving back.

8. Extend Your Deals to Cyber Monday

Featuring tons of online-only discounts, Cyber Monday is every online shopper’s dream. You don’t need to have one-day-only deals for Black Friday. You can extend your sales to Cyber Monday. Make sure you let your followers know that they can still get sweet deals in the days after Black Friday.

9. Utilize Instagram Shops

Instagram has become a staple for social media advertising. The Instagram Shops feature lets users purchase items without even leaving the Instagram app. It’s easy (and free) to create a Shop, but the review process takes a few days, so make sure you start setting up your Instagram Shop a week or so before Black Friday.

10. Opt-Out of Black Friday Entirely

This tip is a lot different than the others. Black Friday is a staple of consumerism, and some brands (and customers) don’t vibe with that. Some brands choose not to participate in the Black Friday madness whatsoever. This strategy might not result in the revenue that Black Friday deals would. Still, it lets your audience know that you’re conscious of how your business and consumerism, in general, affect the world. If you’re opting out of Black Friday, post on social media to let everyone know why.

We hope with these ten tips; you will be able to viral this holiday season. Check out our other Black Friday tips blog to boost your small business!